My rain.

It was a pleasant day

She felt pleasant at heart

Red lipstick smothered her lips

Oh! What an art

For he, she embraced her wounds

Her sadness and her thoughts

She closed her eyes, fraught misery

Each day she fought

The teeming water did little

It only inflicted pain

For he had always forenamed

That, “You are my rain”.

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But…he had promised!!

It was a bright morning when she woke up .

The rusty metal in her eyes glistened with hope.

She had missed him much.

For it had been so long.

A week.

Of course it was long.

For her atleast.

And she was going to see him.


She only hoped nothing go wrong for she had to keep her love hidden.

Hidden from her family.

She did everything to make herself look presentable.

She loved to hear him praise her.

She loved to hear his voice.

So, wearing that prada coat and her aldo heels, she left the house lieing that it was a friend she needed to visit.

Clutching the phone tightly in her hand and waiting for that one name to blink on the screen, got her heart racing.

She threw her hair back and smiled at the caller id.

But something in her stired.

She felt uneasy.

But she picked up anyway.

“Hello?” she whispered.

“Hi, Rose… ” and he lingered at her name.

“What’s wrong? she asked.

“Please don’t be mad, okay?”

“What is it? ”

‘maybe he’s just playing around. Please, don’t make him cancel this.’ She folded her fingers making them dig her palm.

“I… I can’t make it. Can we meet some other day?”

“But… you promised!” She whispered.

“I know babe. I’m sorry. I’ll make it up to you” and with that he hung up.

Rose, sat in silence.

Tears rolling down her eyes.

“But… you promised” she whispered in the empty air.

Parking her car under a gigantic tree, She sat,staring into nothing.

Feeling all empty.

Feeling all alone.

“He’ll make it up to me” she thought finally, all drained out.

‘But… he promised’ came from that cruel voice inside her.

He had promised.

By :Shweta Gahlyan.

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